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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sugarfree Soft drinks

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between regular soda and diet soda? If so, have you ever considered that neither one is good for you at all? If not, you just might be in for some shocking news.

By now just about everyone has heard how soda and the extra calories are not good for your body, especially when compared to water. But there is more to the story, it is by far just the calories that are hurting your bodies it is all the extra additives. Between the high fructose corn syrup and the artificial sweeteners you are adding a colossal amount of chemicals to your body that are not good for you.

You see, based on a study through Web MD about obesity and soft drink use one of the study researchers, named Fowler has the following to say:

"What didn't surprise us was that total soft drink use was linked to overweight and obesity," Fowler tells WebMD.
"What was surprising was when we looked at people only drinking diet soft drinks, their risk of obesity was even higher."
"There was a 41 percent increase in risk of being overweight for every can or bottle of diet soft drink a person consumes each day," Fowler says.

Recently in Central NY the local news channel did a health cast on the differences in diet sodas and regular sodas, especially those sodas that are diet with no calories.

What they said was that when you drink diet sodas your brain is thinking it is going to be getting all these extra calories, because of the artificial sweeteners, however, most diet sodas do not have any calories, so when the brain figures out that there aren't a bunch of calories coming in, it starts looking other places for calories, this is what causes you to overeat, and therefore the brain gets what it is looking for.

There are also several studies that have concluded that diet soda drinkers actually end up fatter than regular soda drinkers because of this very problem of the calories. Not to mention the artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup.

What you really need to do if you are serious about your health is to stop drinking soda all together. The reason is none of this stuff is good for your body. The corn syrup for example causes the chemical reaction that tells you your body is full to stop working. This causes you to overeat for up to the rest of the day because your stomach isn't communicating with your brain.

You should try to switch to drinks like water, tea, or flavored water (by lemon juice or something similar). You might also want to try stevia. This is a natural sweetener that is sold over the Internet and is not risky to your health. You can find it by searching online, as there are many distributors. It doesn't have calories and you can use it instead of sugar for almost anything, and it is incredibly better for you than sugar.

With teas you will get a great fill of antioxidants as well. You see by switching out sodas of all kinds you can find many things that actually contribute to your health instead of take from it. Why not try it and see how you feel?

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